Friday, January 9, 2009

twenty two days

remember way back when i began counting down the days until australia?

well, it's gone from 72 days to 22 days!
i cannot believe how quickly time flies.

since being home, i've kept myself pretty busy. since i'm an education major i need to do 40 hours of observation. the 40 hours were supposed to be done by the end of last semester but my CORI report took forever to go through and i started late--so here i am finishing off the last of my 18 hours at reid middle school working in my moms classroom. it works out pretty well, actually. after today i will have 11 more hours to do. i'll finish them off by next tuesday--thank god because on wednesday, i will be getting my wisdom teeth out; something else i'm really really not looking forward too.

my sister alena had two friends up from maryland. kevin and grace are awesome and it's gotten me pretty excited to have my friends come up for the weekend. this afternoon, hills (the infamous roommate) and my friend mal will make the trip to western mass. my friend laura is also coming, and hopefully my friend talia will round out the group. i'm looking forward to what's going to be an incredible reunion. I CAN'T WAIT.

this will be the last time i see laura and talia before i head down under (but i'll be seeing talia in australia come late june, so i'm psyched!) Jess and Alena are heading to NYC tonight and Elyse is at UMASS but come saturday night, all of my sisters will be home. The yarm farm is going to be crazy, let me tell you.

Alright, well homeroom is done so I should probably get going.

Hopefully I'll have a bunch of pictures from this weekend to show.
Until then, Peace.

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